St. Anne's C of E Primary Safeguarding Information Leaflet
Please see attachment below.
DfE Online Safety
Updated guidance for keeping children safe online
DfE Guidance for parents for cyber-bullying
DfE Guidance for parents for online safety social media
DfE Guidance for parents for online safety
Parent video for online safety for children
Local Safeguarding Procedure/Multi-Agency/Threshold and Escalation Policy
Please see attachment below
Multi-Agency Dispute Resolution
Early Help Offer
- Early help Assessment
- EHA Guidance May 2020 Document.pdf
- Early Help Presentation Chris Caley no voiceover Spring 2021 (06-05-2021_0955).pptx
Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges
'Safer Derbyshire Website' - useful resources for staying safe and accessing support
A link to online safety whilst at home -
Safeguarding policies and documents: