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Arts' Blog

Annual Art Competition with Church Farm Art Gallery - May 2024

Our Pumas have been making collages - May 2024

Art competition is now on display! - May 2024

Class 2 have been making maps - Summer 1 2024

Our art club have produced a beautiful display to celebrate our Flower Power art competition. More news on the competition to follow soon!

Amazing art from our Tigers Class - April 2024

Easter Eggstravaganza! Well done everyone for participating

Our arts corridor display board shows the work made by our fantastic art club - Spring 2024

Art from our lovely Leopards - January 2024

Creative dressmaking from home - October 2023

Art Club - Autumn 1 2023

Year 3 and 4 artwork - Looking at the formal elements of art

Our whole school display - September 2023

Art Competition - May 2023

The Leopards have been making pots with clay and they turned out beautifully - March 2023

Artist Zoe Genders visited school today. Here is some of the beautiful artwork Year 6 produced in her workshop. Thank you so much, Zoe! If you would like to know more about Zoe's artwork please visit her website

Landscapes by our Leopards - Friday 10th February 2023

Year 2 After School Art Club - Spring 2023

We're looking at the work of textile designer Althea McNish on our art focus board this term - Spring 1 2023

KS2 Christmas Crafts

EYFS Artwork - November 2022

Year 4 Artwork

Super self-portraits by our Pumas - Autumn 1 2022

Class 2's Design and Technology Day - Friday 18th October

Leopards Class looking at wheels and axles - Friday 7th October

Our Big Draw - 4th October 2022

Leopards class using the arts' library for research - September 2022

Art Focus Board - Autumn 1 2022

Competition update! - Wednesday 20th July 2022

Art competition - July 2022

Cooking in Lions Class - July 2022

Year 2 visit to Radical Horizons exhibition - Tuesday 12th July 2022

The whole school are producing an image based on The Queen as part of a competition judged by Baslow's Church Farm Art Gallery. Class 2 have started creating their images for the competition using Anna Atkins' work as inspiration. We very much look forward to seeing what all the classes have been up to and the wonderful entries soon - June 2022

Brilliant bridge building from our Leopards - May 2022

Whole School Art - April 2022

Progression in Printmaking - Spring 2022

Our arts' corridor display board has been taken over by the incredible work year 1 &2 created during their wet felting workshop with local textile artist Jude Shore.

Class 2 had a go at mark making in the style of Bridget Riley to help with their thinking of representing movement and water - January 2022

Remembrance Day - Thursday 11th November 2021

Year 6 looked at Cubism to help with their learning in English today - Wednesday 10th November 2021

Some super symmetry in Class 2's shield designs - Autumn 2021

The whole school are thinking about the question: What is art? Here are class 2 using the arts' library's books to research, discuss and find out for themselves. Autumn 2021

Year 3 & 4 spent time in DT today constructing goal posts and creating stadiums - Monday 12th July 2021

KS1 enjoyed a day willow weaving with local artist Emma Parkins - 22nd June 2021

Y1 & Y2 have taken inspiration from our Land Art focus this term. They have started the topic by looking at the artist Richard Long.

Land Art Focus - Summer 2021

Our Arts' Library continues to grow...

Year 6 have been weaving using found natural sticks and colourful yarn inspired by Shelia Hicks our artist focus for Spring 2021.

Y1 & Y2 had an online live lesson on how to draw dragon eyes, fantastic work everyone! - February 2021

Y1 & Y2 were treated to an art lesson from illustrator Wayne Anderson to help with their home learning - January 2021

Y3 & Y4 Sketchbook Work - Friday 7th November 2020

Our Developing Arts' Library - Autumn 2020

Who is Lubaina Himid? Artist focus display Autumn 2 2020

What is Art? Whole school art focus display September 2020

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Welcome to Baslow St Anne's website. We are a thriving school where children are nurtured and inspired to learn in a rich and stimulating environment. All the best to our wonderful Year 6 for SATs' are amazing!
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