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Opening Times

We are continuing to work hard on maintaining good attendance and punctuality. Lessons and learning commence immediately after registration. It is vital that your child is on time, as valuable learning is lost through being late.



  • The main door and classroom doors will be open at 8:40am

  • School commences at 8:45am prompt and all children (unless a pre-school club) should be in by 8:45am at the latest

  • Registers will be taken at 8:45am - if your child arrives after this time, please enter via the office, so that your child can be marked in the register with a 'L' or if after 9:20 'U' which is unauthorised absence

  • The gates will be locked at 9:00am to give time for our Reception parents to leave

  • The school day ends at 3.15 pm for Tigers Class 1 and Leopards, Class 2 and 3:20pm for Lions, Pumas and Jaguars (Juniors, Class 3, 4 & 5), when parents/carers should be in the school yard to collect their children promptly please.

  • Children from classes 1 & 2 will be handed directly to parents, all other children will leave

    via the main entrance or classroom external door and are instructed to return into school if they do not find their

    parent/carer, rather than wait by the gate. (Year 3 children will also be handed over to their parents/carers)

  • Dogs are not permitted on the school yard. If you do bring a dog, please do not tie your dog to

    the gate, as some children are not comfortable passing them.

  • Please can you ensure your child is appropriately supervised after 3.15/20pm to avoid any child getting hurt. Please could you also ensure that your child does not climb on the school walls, fencing, outdoor furniture and gates. 

  • It is great to see children coming to school on their bikes/scooters - we want to continuing to encourage this. Please can we ask that your child walks out of school pushing their bike/scooter to avoid any collisions on the playground. Thank you for your support.

Every school day counts

Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning. 

Attendance, absence and days of learning missed


Absence and days of learning missed

100% attendance

No days missed

95% attendance

9 days of absence, 1 week and 4 days of learning missed

90% attendance

19 days of absence, 3 weeks and 4 days of learning missed

85% attendance

28 days of absence, 5 weeks and 3 days of learning missed

Please can we also remind that if your child has an appointment during the school day to let the office know, particularly if they will be having a school lunch or not.

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Welcome to Baslow St Anne's website. We are a thriving school where children are nurtured and inspired to learn in a rich and stimulating environment. All the best to our wonderful Year 6 for SATs' are amazing!
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