Links to support Inclusive Learning
Please find below links to inclusive resources produced by colleagues in the Chesterfield SSP who have County remit for supporting inclusion in schools. There are many exciting and creative challenges and opportunities to be found that will stretch all abilities of students. to stay active at home
Skipping has proven popular in a few of our schools over the past couple of weeks, especially for the students that are still in school. Dan the skipping man has put together some great skipping challenges and is releasing them on a weekly basis. They are also a provider of top quality skipping ropes and currently have a scheme which enables schools to order a skipping rope for each child and have them delivered either to the school, or the students homes. Check out their website if this is something your school may be interested in.
Keep an eye on @Dan_DTSM on Twitter for new releases and updates.
#DTSM10SecondSkips Playlist:
DfE Support for Remote Learning February 2021
We have updated the guidance for parents to support their children’s remote education to provide more information for parents and carers as they support their children at home.
We have added top tips for supporting children during remote education, including links to information about the Reading Well booklist that supports mental health. We have also provided information on how to access online resources and services through your local library and online support for parents and carers to keep children and young people safe from online harm
Supporting SEND Children with Remote Learning
We have worked with a range of other organisations to create extra resources for parents of children with SEND:
Curriculum materials are also available:
A message of thanks to the parents...
A message from the team...
To our lovely Parents and Children,
Thank you for giving the online learning a go; we know how hard this can be from both sides…
Some days we feel like we can do everything on our to-do list and we feel on top of the world, but we also know that there are some days where things just feel really hard. Keeping good mental and physical health is the most important thing of all. We are all trying our best, so keep doing things that make you happy and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves.
The last thing we want any of you to do is stress about schoolwork. When the time comes that we can all learn together again, teachers will be there. All we ask is that you try your best to complete some of the online learning tasks each week. Please just let us know if there is anything that we can do to help out.
Keep well and safe.
With love from The Baslow St. Anne’s Team XX
Further links and resources from Derbyshire:
Further links for ideas at home from Derbyshire County Council
BBC Teach features lots of ideas and resources to support teaching from home including 'Live Lessons' which are free, interactive programmes linked to the curriculum and streamed live to help bring subjects to life.
BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource designed to help with learning, revision and homework and is publishing daily online lessons for children of all ages.
Kid Zone
Our children's centres have some great ideas on their community Facebook pages to help keep children occupied.
The Scouts have pulled together some indoor activity ideas to keep kids entertained while schools are closed.
The Shape Learning Partnership sets a range of creative challenges with a deadline to help keep children occupied while they're not in school.
The Children's Commissioner has published a guide for children including ideas about how to help them make the best of their time at home.
The NHS Change4Life health programme has created a range of indoor activities and '10 minute Shake Up' games to give children bursts of fun activity which count towards the 60 active minutes they need every day.
The Youth Sport Trust has produced some home learning activities to improve children’s health and wellbeing.
Active Derbyshire and Sport England offer fun sporting and keep-fit activities for all the family.
More PE at home from Jon at Extra Time – Juniors – Foundation and KS1
real PE at home – online learning resources
real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is also great for family play and fun.
It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes (starting from next week) in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months. Here are the details to access real PE at home:
The website address is:
Parent email:
Password: stannescof
Family Fit Club
The Great Exhibition at Home - a 7 week STEM challenge starting summer term for 9-14 year olds
Punctuation Show
Tuesday 10:15am
Stay at Home Parkrun - School of Parkrun
DfE home learning resources link
Design a Den Competition
Peak Architects have teamed up with some like minded professionals to launch a ‘Design-a-Den’ challenge specifically aimed at Children aged 4-11. They say: 'One of the prizes (not yet announced) would be that some of the architects would visit the class of the winner and hold a design workshop based upon designing a space (we normally suggest the classroom itself or their bedroom)…we talk around the elements of design and encourage lots of drawing and model making'.
Please see the links below if you fancy having a go at the design competition - great for you budding architects , artists and designers.
Competition Page -
Terms & Conditions -
Press release –
A link for online safety while home learning -
A useful link for home RE learning -
A useful link for virtual assemblies will be available for you to watch at home every Friday at 9am from our video channel:
A few useful links for Collective worship:
A 7 week STEM challenge
Design a Den competition -