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Class 4 – Pumas

Welcome to Class 4 - Pumas!


The Pumas are a split class of Year 4 and Year 5 children. Our class teacher is Mr Osborn and our Teaching and Learning Assistants are:   Ms. Graus and Mrs. Shore.

Today, we became Romans. Using our shields, we created many well known formations. It was great fun!

We have started our Spring term 2 with great enthusiasm. We are focusing on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in English and are developing our working wall.

Homework Mount Vesuvius created by Elfreda and Sophie.

Here are two Roman research presentations completed for homework.

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Video one.

Video 2

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We greatly enjoyed our Science topic of materials and their properties alongside our Ancient Egypt history lessons.

Welcome to the Class of 2024. We have made a brilliant start to all topics. Our displays are beginning to fill up with fantastic work, rich vocabulary and brilliant ideas.

Hydrogen Explosion!

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Is hydrogen the fuel of the future?

For Science week, we were visited by Atomic Abbie who taught us about the science needed to save our environment

Our school chicks have hatched and we are having great fun looking after them!

Snow Day

In P.E. we have been honing our Netball skills.

We have been creating circuits and exploring the world of electricity.

In English, we are always creating work we are proud to share. Here are a few examples of our Bayeux Tapestry Slides and beautiful country fact files.

In class, we have been acting out traditional Chinese stories. Here are some action shots of our acting.

We entered ourselves into the Cluster Schools Cross Country Tournament and we should be very proud of our results. Here are a few pictures of our class squad being a fantastic team!

The Pumas have had an incredibly positive first term! They have all settled in well and are working hard. Here are a few snapshots of our class room and work completed so far.

On Thursday we had a Year 5 Hockey Tournament at Tideswell. Both Teams made it through to the Semi-Finals before we were knocked out. We played brilliantly and they should all be proud! Did I mention the snow?

Forest School - Today we built dens, learned how to safely use knives and how to use a flint and steel to create a fire!

Animal Fun! We had a great time looking at fantastic exotic animals which has helped us bring our science topic to life!

World Book Day 2022 - What a great day. Here are some fantastic costumes!

Basketball Tournament between Year 5 and 6

Our Topic is Ancient Egypt and we exploring the fantastic history and culture using artefacts to guide us

In Science we are focusing on living things and their habitats. We have started by studying plants in detail, I am extremely proud of how brilliant all of these pictures are!

Class 4 is full of wonderful artists!

In English, we are sharing, celebrating and reading stories from many different cultures and using them to inspire our own writing.

For our topic this week, we focused on Remembrance Day. We created this display and wreath to show our respect.

A few examples of work in our fantastic classroom.

Mindfulness Activity Homework


As a class, we have concentrated on mindfulness techniques to help keep our mindsets positive.  For homework, we took part in activities that helped us stay calm and focused in the present moment using all of our senses.  Mr. Osborn benefited from all of the cakes!




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