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Class 3 - Lions

Welcome to Class 3 - Lions!


The Lions are a split class of Year 3 and Year 4 children. Our class teacher is Miss Grant and our Teaching and Learning Assistant is Mrs Payne. 
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Today's Work


Due to the weather, here are some activities you can get on with at home! Check the email/class dojo to find out more details on this.



Autumn 2, Week 6

We have had lots of fun again this week: watching the nativity and helping out with the children from Baslow Edge Nursery, selling our gonks at the Christmas Fayre and singing for the WI. We had a PE lesson yesterday focussing on tennis skills and then in PSHE we thought about how we can be grateful at Christmas. Today, we did some lovely artwork applying our tints and shades skills to create an ombre Christmas scene. All the children worked so hard on their tests this week and I’m very very proud of them!

Autumn 2, Week 5

We had another fun week at school, making gonk decorations that will be sold today at 3pm at our enterprise Christmas fayre. We have learnt lots of new grammar skills like the present perfect tense (I have lived, I have been etc) as well as past tense verbs especially the irregular. In maths, we have started/continued practising column subtraction (which is a little tricky!). In science, we looked at materials which are magnetic or not and in ICT we started comparing weather websites and inputting the data on a spreadsheet. 

Autumn 2, Week 4

We have had a lovely week flying to Antarctica, singing for the Baslow Senior Citizens and learning lots of new things too! We have had a big focus in English on grammar skills like speech marks, fronted adverbials and adverbs. In maths, we have been solving addition word problems using column addition. In RE, we made puppets of Mary, Joseph and Angel Gabriel to act out the scene where Mary finds out she was having a baby and we also planted Crocus bulbs with Mrs Payne. We also had some visitors from the Derbyshire Council to tell us about recycling. 

Autumn 2, Week 2

The Lions have had some great times this week with a highlight obviously being children in need! We had some fun playing Class 1 and 2s games and choosing a toy/book/game! Thank you for your very generous donations and I am looking forward to finding out our total! We have also finished our poems this week (they are fab!!) and started our matching artwork. In maths, Y3s have been continuing adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s. Y4 have finished their place value topic ending with rounding and have started learning the 7 times table! In Topic, we learnt about the physical/human features of Antarctica and in computing, we learnt how to safely turn the computers on and off and learn our login details. 

Autumn 2, Week 1

We have had a lot of fun this week making a poppy wreath (Y3s) while the Y4s had a fantastic time at the Dodgeball on Thursday. I was especially proud of the Y4s for how incredibly mature and honest they were during our trip, some children were even noticed by members of staff from other schools for their polite manners!!! We have been looking at the book Lost Words in English and we are starting to write a poem about a woodland/garden animal to create a display in the corridor with our pieces of matching artwork too! In Maths, Y3s have started their addition topic using the method "number in your head and add on your fingers". Y4s have been rounding to the nearest 10 and nearest 100 which they have grasped fantastically. In music, Y3s have been recapping notation of quaver, crotchet and minim and started writing down their own rhythms. In geography, we have started our new topic 'who lives in Antarctica?' and found out about climates and longitude and latitude lines. 

Autumn 1, Week 6

We have had a lovely final week of Autumn 1 including Y3s creating some lovely shades and tones art to make their pictures look 3D. Y4s had a great time outside learning about map skills, directions and creating a living map with the Peak Park Rangers. We finished off our double page spreads all about the Vikings and played a Viking trading game!

Autumn 1, Week 5

We have had a great week in the Lions, continuing to work on our listening and putting our hands up in class, we are getting better, we just still need little reminders. We started looking at Viking Longboats and their features before we start making them this week. In music, we started finding out about notation – crotchets, quavers, and minims. In English, we are continuing to write our story and really working on describing and senses. In RE, we started writing Kenning poems about God. We had a great chat in Computing about if we see something that upsets us online, it was good to know that they know what to do – talk to an adult!

Autumn 1, Week 4

We have learnt about Viking Longhouses this week, comparing them with our own house. We also continued working on our descriptions for our story as well as creating some beautiful line artwork which is featured on the WOW wall in our classroom. In RE, we continued looking at the creation story, in particular the story of Adam and Eve and in PE we started Tag Rugby as well as continuing our Friday morning Zumba sessions!

Autumn 1, Week 3

We've been developing a story similar to How to be a Viking thinking of a character that is afraid of something. It would be really great if the children could chat to someone about the story line over the weekend - I think you'll love them! In maths, we have done some more place value and then we learnt about Roman Numerals on Friday! We continued finding out about the Vikings and where they came on a timeline as well as creating some artwork with random objects. In RE, we thought about creation and asked wonder and awe questions. Friday ended with an exciting workshop/assembly with Google and we learnt how to stay safe online. 

Autumn 1, Week 1

We had a lovely week discovering the Vikings in more detail in our memorable moment day. We found out what the Vikings ate, wore and their lifestyle through play and science experiments. We also designed our own shields and made Top Trumps about the Viking Gods. In English, we predicted what would happen in our class book "How to be a Viking" and in maths, we continued looking at place value. On Friday, we produced some great sketchbook work looking at some of the elements of art including colour, line, shape and texture. 

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